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hold [links] Listen: UK:*UK and possibly other pronunciationsUK and possibly other pronunciations/ˈhəʊld/US:USA pronunciation: IPA and respellingUSA pronunciation: IPA/hoʊld/ ,USA pronunciation: respelling(hōld) ⓘ一个或多个论坛线程和你的搜索词完全匹配 定义 | 西班牙语 | 法语 | 英语同义词 | 英语搭配 | Conjugator [EN] | 上下文 | 图像 Inflections of 'hold' (v): (⇒ conjugate)holdsv 3rd person singular holdingv pres p heldv past heldv past p

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主要翻译英语中文 hold [sth]⇒ vtr (grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 握住 wò zhù TCTraditional Chinese 握住   SCSimplified Chinese 把住 wò zhù,bǎ zhù  She holds her child's hand when they cross the street.  她牵着孩子的手穿过大街。 hold [sth] vtr (contain)SCSimplified Chinese 包含 bāo hán TCTraditional Chinese 包含   SCSimplified Chinese 容纳 bāo hán ,róng nà TCTraditional Chinese 容納  This container holds four litres of liquid.  这个容器可盛四公升液体。 hold [sb]⇒ vtr (embrace)SCSimplified Chinese 拥抱 yōng bào   SCSimplified Chinese 拥着  The mother held her crying child. The couple held each other tightly.  这对情侣紧紧地相拥在一起。  这位母亲抱着自己哭泣的孩子。 hold⇒ vi (on phone: wait) (电话)SCSimplified Chinese 等,别挂断 děng,bié guà duàn TCTraditional Chinese 等  Can you hold for a minute while I check that information for you?  你可以等一分钟吗?我帮你查一下信息。 hold vi (adhere)SCSimplified Chinese 承受 chéng shòu TCTraditional Chinese 承受   SCSimplified Chinese 支撑住 chéng shòu,zhī chēng zhù  Is that knot going to hold?  那个结支撑得住吗? hold n (telephone) (电话不挂断)SCSimplified Chinese 等,等待 děng,děng dài TCTraditional Chinese 等,等待  He was placed on hold for five minutes when he called.  他打电话时,对方让他不要挂断等了5分钟。 hold n (grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 握住 wò zhù TCTraditional Chinese 握住   SCSimplified Chinese 握紧 wò zhù,wò jǐn  He had a tight hold on his daughter's wrist.  他紧紧握住女儿的手腕。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 其他翻译英语中文 hold n (ship: storage area) (船的)SCSimplified Chinese 底舱,货舱 dǐ cāng,huò cāng  The dry food was kept down in the hold. hold n (wrestling) (摔跤术语)SCSimplified Chinese 擒拿技术 qín ná jì shù TCTraditional Chinese 擒拿技術  The wrestler used a special hold to defeat his opponent.  摔跤手使出一招特殊的擒拿手法,打败了对手。 hold n (mental grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 把握 bǎ wò TCTraditional Chinese 把握   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 bǎ wò,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 左右 bǎ wò,zuǒ yòu TCTraditional Chinese 左右  The new president's hold on difficult policy issues was not strong.  新总统对棘手的政策问题还不太吃得透。 hold, cargo hold n (plane: cargo storage) (飞机)SCSimplified Chinese 货舱 huò cāng  Pets travel in crates in the hold.  宠物旅行时要呆在飞机货舱的宠物箱里。 hold, baggage hold n (plane: bag storage) (飞机)SCSimplified Chinese 行李舱 xíng lǐ cāng TCTraditional Chinese 行李艙  The airline carries wheelchairs free of charge in the hold.  该航空公司用行李舱免费托运轮椅。 hold vi (continue to resist)SCSimplified Chinese 继续撑住 jì xù chēng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 繼續撐住   SCSimplified Chinese 坚持住 jì xù chēng zhù,jiān chí zhù TCTraditional Chinese 堅持住   SCSimplified Chinese 继续顶住 jì xù chēng zhù,jì xù dǐng zhù  The dam has held through all the storms that have passed. hold at [sth] vi + prep (not change state) (某种状态)SCSimplified Chinese 保持 bǎo chí TCTraditional Chinese 保持  The water level held at two feet above sea level.  水位保持在海平面以上两英尺的地方。 hold [sth]⇒ vtr (possess)SCSimplified Chinese 有 yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 有   SCSimplified Chinese 拥有 yǒu,yōng yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 擁有  Leah holds the keys to the car.  莉亚有这辆车的钥匙。 hold [sth] vtr (continue to have)SCSimplified Chinese 保住 bǎo zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 继续拥有 bǎo zhù,jì xù yōng yǒu  His son can't hold a job; he keeps getting fired.  他的儿子无法保住工作,总是解雇。 hold that vtr (believe that) (立场、观点)SCSimplified Chinese 保持 bǎo chí TCTraditional Chinese 保持   SCSimplified Chinese 持有 bǎo chí,chí yǒu  The professor holds that it is best to learn a foreign language at the earliest age possible.  教授认为年龄小开始学外语效果最好。 hold [sth]⇒ vtr (take)SCSimplified Chinese 拿 ná TCTraditional Chinese 拿   SCSimplified Chinese 抓 ná,zhuā TCTraditional Chinese 抓  Could you hold this box for me for a minute? hold [sth] vtr (own)SCSimplified Chinese 拥有 yōng yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 擁有   SCSimplified Chinese 占有 yōng yǒu,zhàn yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 佔有 / 占有  She holds the land, but it is used by the entire family. hold [sb]⇒ vtr (have in custody)SCSimplified Chinese 扣留 kòu liú   SCSimplified Chinese 关押 kòu liú,guān yā  The police held the suspect in custody. hold [sth]⇒ vtr (retain)SCSimplified Chinese 保持 bǎo chí TCTraditional Chinese 保持   SCSimplified Chinese 保留 bǎo chí,bǎo liú TCTraditional Chinese 保留   SCSimplified Chinese 留存  We held some cash in Euros in case of emergency. hold [sth] vtr (engage in)SCSimplified Chinese 参与 cān yù TCTraditional Chinese 參與   SCSimplified Chinese 加入 cān yù ,jiā rù TCTraditional Chinese 加入  I don't hold discussions with silly people. hold [sth] vtr (accommodate)SCSimplified Chinese 容纳 róng nà TCTraditional Chinese 容納   SCSimplified Chinese 装得下 róng nà,zhuāng de xià  This conference room holds up to forty people. hold [sth] vtr (military: defend) (军事术语)SCSimplified Chinese 防守 fáng shǒu TCTraditional Chinese 防守   SCSimplified Chinese 守住 fáng shǒu,shǒu zhù  The rebels held their position for ten hours until reinforcements arrived. hold [sth] vtr (military: occupy) (军事术语)SCSimplified Chinese 占领 zhàn lǐng TCTraditional Chinese 佔領 / 占領   SCSimplified Chinese 占有 zhàn lǐng,zhàn yǒu TCTraditional Chinese 佔有 / 占有   SCSimplified Chinese 攻占 zhàn lǐng,gōng zhàn TCTraditional Chinese 攻佔 / 攻占  The army sought to hold the strategic mountaintop. hold [sth] vtr (course: maintain)SCSimplified Chinese 保持 bǎo chí TCTraditional Chinese 保持   SCSimplified Chinese 继续 bǎo chí,jì xù TCTraditional Chinese 繼續  Hold your current course for the next one hundred kilometres. hold that vtr (believe, consider)SCSimplified Chinese 相信 xiāng xìn TCTraditional Chinese 相信   SCSimplified Chinese 认为 xiāng xìn ,rèn wéi TCTraditional Chinese 認為  He holds that those actions should be illegal. hold [sth]⇒ vtr (meeting, event: conduct)SCSimplified Chinese 举行 jǔ xíng TCTraditional Chinese 舉行   SCSimplified Chinese 召开 jǔ xíng ,zhào kāi TCTraditional Chinese 召開   SCSimplified Chinese 召集 jǔ xíng ,zhào jí TCTraditional Chinese 召集  We will hold the meeting in the conference room. Julie is holding a party on Saturday.  我们将在会议室开会。  周六,朱莉将举办派对。 hold [sth] vtr (have: an opinion) (某种想法)SCSimplified Chinese 怀有 huái yǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 持有 huái yǒu,chí yǒu  We know that not all party members hold the same position on this issue.  我们知道在这个问题上,不是所有党员都持有同样立场。   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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动词短语英语中文 hold [sb] back vtr phrasal sep (restrain [sb] physically)SCSimplified Chinese 阻止, 阻挡   SCSimplified Chinese 控制, 抑制  The boys started fighting so teachers came to hold them back.  男孩们开始打架,所以老师过来阻止他们。 hold [sth] back vtr phrasal sep (restrain, keep under control) (怒火等)SCSimplified Chinese 克制 kè zhì TCTraditional Chinese 克制  He held back his anger until the children had gone to bed. She had had such a bad day, she couldn't hold back the tears any longer.  他忍住怒火,直到孩子们全都睡下。//她过了糟糕的一天,再也忍不住了,流下了眼泪。 hold [sb] back vtr phrasal sep figurative (hinder [sb]'s progress)SCSimplified Chinese 碍事 ài shì   SCSimplified Chinese 阻挡…前进 ài shì,zǔ dǎng qián jìn  She wants to be an actress but a lack of talent is holding her back.  她想成为一名演员,但缺乏天赋阻碍了她的发展。 hold [sth] back vtr phrasal sep figurative (not divulge [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 对…有所隐瞒   SCSimplified Chinese 隐瞒 yǐn mán TCTraditional Chinese 隱瞞  She said she had told him all about her previous marriage, but he suspected she was holding something back.  她说她已将她的前一段婚姻状况都告诉他了,但他仍怀疑她有所隐瞒。 hold [sth] back vtr phrasal sep (withhold, not give [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 扣住  He didn't give me all the money today, he's holding back half of it till the work is finished.  今天他没有把所有的钱全都给我,留了一半等工作完成后支付。 hold back vi phrasal figurative (repress feelings)SCSimplified Chinese 压抑感情 TCTraditional Chinese 壓抑感情  She is always holding back, afraid to share her true feelings.  她总是压抑自己的感情,不敢说出真实感受。 hold down [sth/sb], hold [sth/sb] down vtr phrasal sep (restrain) (本义)SCSimplified Chinese 把…按住让其不能动弹 bǎ àn zhù ràng qí bù néng dòng tán  Hold his arms down so he'll stop hitting me!  把他手臂按住,这样他就不能继续打我了! hold [sth/sb] down, hold down [sth/sb] vtr phrasal sep (restrain or repress)SCSimplified Chinese 压制 yā zhì TCTraditional Chinese 壓制 / 壓製   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 yā zhì,kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制   SCSimplified Chinese 限制 yā zhì,xiàn zhì TCTraditional Chinese 限制  I find it hard to hold down my anger when I see someone drop litter.  看到有人乱扔垃圾时,我发现很难控制住自己的怒气。 hold down [sth], hold [sth] down vtr phrasal sep figurative (keep from losing)SCSimplified Chinese 保住(工作等) bǎo zhù gōng zuò děng  I've been fired four times. I just can't hold down a job!  我已经被开除过四次了,我就是保不住自己的工作! hold down [sth], hold [sth] down vtr phrasal sep (food: not eject as vomit) (食物等)SCSimplified Chinese 忍住未吐出  Though she still felt a little sick, Lisa managed to hold down her lunch.  虽然仍然觉得有点不舒服,但丽莎还是忍住未将午饭吐出。 hold fast to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (firmly, tightly)SCSimplified Chinese 牢牢系在...上   SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧固定在...上  The rope held fast to the boat. hold fast to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (uphold: principle, idea) (宾语多为表原则、信念之词)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持,坚守 jiān chí TCTraditional Chinese 堅持,堅守  He holds fast to his socialist principles. hold forth vi phrasal (talk at length)SCSimplified Chinese 长篇大论 cháng piān dà lùn TCTraditional Chinese 長篇大論   SCSimplified Chinese 侃侃而谈 cháng piān dà lùn,kǎn kǎn ér tán  Prince Charles could hold forth for hours on the subject of architecture. hold [sth] in vtr phrasal sep (restrain, repress)SCSimplified Chinese 克制 kè zhì TCTraditional Chinese 克制   SCSimplified Chinese 抑制 kè zhì,yì zhì TCTraditional Chinese 抑制  I can't hold in my feelings any longer! hold off vi phrasal (bad weather: be delayed)SCSimplified Chinese 拖延 tuō yán TCTraditional Chinese 拖延   SCSimplified Chinese 推迟 tuō yán,tuī chí TCTraditional Chinese 推遲  I hope the rain holds off till we get home.  我希望雨能推迟下,直到我们到家。 hold off doing [sth], hold off from doing [sth], hold off on doing [sth] vtr phrasal insep (postpone, delay)SCSimplified Chinese 拖延 tuō yán TCTraditional Chinese 拖延   SCSimplified Chinese 克制,节制,忍住 kè zhì,jié zhì,rěn zhù TCTraditional Chinese 克制,節制  Please hold off playing the drums until after I've gone!  请克制一下,等我离开后再打鼓吧! hold [sth/sb] off vtr phrasal sep (prevent attack)SCSimplified Chinese 抵挡 dǐ dǎng  The soldiers managed to hold off the attacking forces for three days.  士兵们成功抵挡了攻击部队三天之久。 hold on vi phrasal (stay courageous or patient) (困境中)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持住, 挺住  I know you are upset, but you must hold on for the sake of the children.  我知道你很难过,但为了孩子们,你必须挺住。 hold on vi phrasal informal (wait, maintain position) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 保持原来的姿势,继续 bǎo chí yuán lái de zī shì,jì xù TCTraditional Chinese 繼續  Hold on till I get there!  坚持住,等我过去! hold on vi phrasal (telephone)SCSimplified Chinese 别挂电话 bié guà diàn huà TCTraditional Chinese 別掛電話   SCSimplified Chinese 不要挂断  "Can I talk to Camille?" "Hold on. I'll see if she's here."  “我能和卡米尔通话吗?”“请等一下,我看下她在不在。” hold on to [sth/sb], hold onto [sth/sb] vtr phrasal insep (grasp, clutch)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住…不放 zhuā zhù bú fàng  If you think you are going to slip, hold on to my arm.  如果你觉得自己要滑倒了,就牢牢抓住我的手臂。 hold onto [sth], hold on to [sth] vtr phrasal insep (keep, maintain despite difficulty)SCSimplified Chinese 保持,保住 bǎo chí,bǎo zhù TCTraditional Chinese 保持   SCSimplified Chinese 挺住,坚持住 tǐng zhù,jiān chí zhù TCTraditional Chinese 堅持住  In all the years of poverty, she managed to hold onto her dignity.  在这漫长的贫穷的岁月里,她设法保住了自己的尊严。 hold out vi phrasal (last, be sufficient)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持住 jiān chí zhù TCTraditional Chinese 堅持住   SCSimplified Chinese 支撑住 jiān chí zhù,zhī chēng zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 足够撑到  I don't think the cattle feed is going to hold out until Christmas, we must order more.  我不认为牛饲料能撑过圣诞节,我们必须多订购一些。 hold out vi phrasal (continue to resist)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持抵抗 jiān chí dǐ kàng TCTraditional Chinese 堅持抵抗   SCSimplified Chinese 顶住 jiān chí dǐ kàng,dǐng zhù TCTraditional Chinese 頂住   SCSimplified Chinese 坚持不退让 jiān chí dǐ kàng,jiān chí bú tuì ràng  Keep attacking the enemy forces; they can't hold out much longer.  继续攻击敌军,他们撑不了多久了。 hold out against [sth/sb] vi phrasal + prep (continue to resist)SCSimplified Chinese 持续抵抗 TCTraditional Chinese 持續抵抗   SCSimplified Chinese 持续抵制  The remote mountain village held out against the foreign armies. I'm holding out against joining Facebook.  这偏远的山村顶住了外国军队的进攻。//我坚决不加入Facebook。 hold out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (refuse to give information)SCSimplified Chinese 瞒着,对...保密  Please don't hold out on me; just tell me who did it!  请不要瞒我了,告诉我是谁干的! hold out on [sb] vi phrasal + prep (refuse to give [sth] to [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 隐瞒 yǐn mán TCTraditional Chinese 隱瞞   SCSimplified Chinese 保留 yǐn mán,bǎo liú TCTraditional Chinese 保留  I need Jason's help but he is holding out on me.  我需要杰森的帮助但是被他拒绝了。 hold out for [sth] vi phrasal + prep informal (wait) (以便得到自己想要的)SCSimplified Chinese 坚持,拖延 jiān chí,tuō yán TCTraditional Chinese 堅持,拖延  James did not accept the job straight away because he was holding out for a better offer.  詹姆斯没有马上接受那份工作,因为他在等待更好的录用机会。 hold [sth] over vtr phrasal sep informal (postpone)SCSimplified Chinese 推迟 tuī chí TCTraditional Chinese 推遲 hold [sb] over vtr phrasal sep informal (be enough for now)SCSimplified Chinese 让...现在不用考虑   SCSimplified Chinese 使...暂时不用做  I've got some potatoes and some tinned vegetables; that will hold me over until I go to the shops on Saturday.   有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议

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复合形式:英语中文 catch hold of [sb/sth] v expr (grasp, grab)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住 zhuā zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 握住 zhuā zhù,wò zhù TCTraditional Chinese 握住   SCSimplified Chinese 抓牢 zhuā zhù,zhuā láo  Mr. Jones caught hold of Mark by the collar and dragged him off to see the headmaster. chokehold, choke hold, choke-hold n (grip on [sb]'s neck)SCSimplified Chinese 勒住脖子 chokehold, choke-hold, choke hold n figurative (complete power)SCSimplified Chinese 扼制 Don't hold your breath interj informal ([sth] is unlikely to happen soon)SCSimplified Chinese 别期望太高   SCSimplified Chinese 还得等一阵  Neil promised that he would have everything ready; don't hold your breath, though! firm hold n (secure grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù TCTraditional Chinese 緊緊抓住   SCSimplified Chinese 牢牢控制 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù,láo láo kòng zhì  The army chief had a firm hold on power in the region. get a hold of [sth] v expr informal (grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住, 把握, 掌控  Get a firm hold of the load and make sure it's not too heavy before you lift. get hold of [sth] v expr informal (obtain [sth]) (非正式用语)SCSimplified Chinese 搞到,弄到 gǎo dào,nòng dào  Can you tell me where I can get hold of a watch like yours? You need to get hold of a copy of his birth certificate.  你能告诉我去哪儿可以弄到你戴的这种手表吗?你需要搞到一份他的出生证明。 get hold of [sb] v expr figurative (reach, contact [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 联系上 lián xì shàng TCTraditional Chinese 聯繫上  I've been trying to get hold of him all week, but he's always out.  我整个星期都在试图联系他,不过他一直都外出不在。 get hold of [sb/sth] v expr (grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓到,捉住 zhuā dào,zhuō zhù  She got hold of his arm and pulled him towards her.  她捉住他的手臂,将他拉向自己。 grab hold of [sth/sb] v expr (physically: grasp)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住 zhuā zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 拽住  Bella jumped on the back of Jacob's motorcycle and grabbed hold of his body. Grab hold of the rope so that I can pull you up! grab hold of [sth] v expr figurative (idea, opportunity: seize)SCSimplified Chinese 抓住(念头、机遇等)  Dean grabbed hold of the opportunity to visit the beach a few times. have a hold on [sth] v expr (grasp firmly)SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù TCTraditional Chinese 緊緊抓住  Sally had a hold on the horse's reins. have a hold on [sth] v expr (account: be blocked) (支票、账户等)SCSimplified Chinese 暂时冻结 TCTraditional Chinese 暫時凍結  Any check I deposit has a hold on it for 7 days. have a hold on [sb] v expr informal, figurative (exert control)SCSimplified Chinese 把持   SCSimplified Chinese 控制 kòng zhì TCTraditional Chinese 控制  In New Jersey, Democrats have had a hold on the Senate seats for many years. have in store, hold in store v expr (reserve, promise for the future)SCSimplified Chinese 未来会有   SCSimplified Chinese 将来会发生什么  Nobody knows what tomorrow has in store. have [sth] in store for [sb], hold [sth] in store for [sb] v expr (reserve, promise)SCSimplified Chinese …即将发生在某人头上   SCSimplified Chinese 有…等待着某人  Let's wait and see what next year has in store for us. hold a candle to [sb/sth] v expr figurative (be as good)SCSimplified Chinese 能与…相比, 可与…相提并论 备注: Used in the negative, in questions and where there is doubt As a songwriter, George Harrison couldn't hold a candle to Paul McCartney. hold a conversation v expr (talk, converse, chat)SCSimplified Chinese 谈话 tán huà TCTraditional Chinese 談話   SCSimplified Chinese 对话 tán huà,duì huà TCTraditional Chinese 對話  The man was too drunk to hold a conversation. hold a grudge v expr (be resentful)SCSimplified Chinese 怀恨在心 huái hèn zài xīn TCTraditional Chinese 懷恨在心  It was unfair that she was chosen instead of me, but I'm not one to hold a grudge. hold a grudge against [sb] v expr (resent: [sb])SCSimplified Chinese 怨恨…,对…怀恨在心 duì huái hèn zài xīn  Peter holds a grudge against his co-worker, who received the promotion that Peter was hoping for. hold a meeting v expr (meet to discuss [sth] formally)SCSimplified Chinese 开会 kāi huì TCTraditional Chinese 開會   SCSimplified Chinese 召开会议 kāi huì,zhào kāi huì yì TCTraditional Chinese 召開會議  The council will hold a meeting to discuss the road repairs. hold a mirror up to [sth] v expr figurative (reveal [sth] as it truly is)SCSimplified Chinese 用镜子映照   SCSimplified Chinese 揭开...的本色 hold a press conference, hold a news conference v expr (speak to media)SCSimplified Chinese 召开新闻发布会   SCSimplified Chinese 举行新闻发布会  The senator held a press conference to explain his new proposal. hold [sb] accountable vtr + adj (consider responsible)SCSimplified Chinese 让…负责  If anything goes wrong, I will hold you accountable. hold [sb] accountable for [sth] v expr (consider responsible for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 让…对…负责,让…为…负责  I cannot hold him accountable for what happened. hold [sth] against [sb] v expr (resent [sb] for [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 因某事怨恨某人 yīn mǒu shì yuàn hèn mǒu rén  They still hold my past mistakes against me. hold [sth] by vtr + adv (reserve, keep aside)SCSimplified Chinese 把…保留起来  Hold this dress by for me until I get paid on Saturday. hold court v expr figurative (receive much attention)SCSimplified Chinese 引起他人注意   SCSimplified Chinese 成为关注焦点 hold [sth] dear vtr + adj (value, cherish)SCSimplified Chinese 珍视 zhēn shì  Freedom of speech is a concept which I hold dear. hold down a job v expr (remain in employment)SCSimplified Chinese 保住饭碗 TCTraditional Chinese 保住飯碗   SCSimplified Chinese 保住工作 bǎo zhù gōng zuò  After years of unemployment, John managed to hold down a job at the post office. I can never seem to hold down a job. holdfast n ([sth] that holds [sth] in place)SCSimplified Chinese 固定器 holdfast n (botany: fungus part for attaching) (植物)SCSimplified Chinese 附着器 备注: 指植物用来固定生长的结构hold hands vtr + npl (clasp each another's hand)SCSimplified Chinese 牵手 qiān shǒu   SCSimplified Chinese 拉手 qiān shǒu,lā shǒu  My sister and her boyfriend always hold hands when watching a movie. hold harmless adj (contract clause) (合同条款)SCSimplified Chinese 免责的  The contract has a hold harmless clause, which means the company is not liable. hold [sb] harmless, hold harmless [sb] vtr + adj (contract) (合同)SCSimplified Chinese …免于承担责任 hold [sb] hostage v expr (hold [sb] to ransom)SCSimplified Chinese 将...作为人质要挟 hold [sth] in check v expr (control, restrain)SCSimplified Chinese 压抑 yā yì TCTraditional Chinese 壓抑   SCSimplified Chinese 抑制 yā yì,yì zhì TCTraditional Chinese 抑制  He had to hold his anger in check when his son wrecked the car. hold [sb] in contempt v expr (despise, think [sb] worthless)SCSimplified Chinese 对...不屑一顾   SCSimplified Chinese 轻视 qīng shì TCTraditional Chinese 輕視 hold [sb] in contempt of court v expr (legal accusation)SCSimplified Chinese 蔑视法庭 miè shì fǎ tíng TCTraditional Chinese 蔑視法庭 hold [sb/sth] in high regard v expr (have great respect for)SCSimplified Chinese 对…非常器重   SCSimplified Chinese 对…很重视 hold [sth] in reserve v expr (store or keep [sth])SCSimplified Chinese 保留 bǎo liú TCTraditional Chinese 保留   SCSimplified Chinese 储存 bǎo liú,chǔ cún TCTraditional Chinese 儲存  Many vintners will hold a particularly good year in reserve for private use. Hold it! interj informal (wait!)SCSimplified Chinese 等等 děng děng TCTraditional Chinese 等等  Hold it! I want to say one more thing before you go. Hold it! interj informal (stop!)SCSimplified Chinese 不准动!   SCSimplified Chinese 原地别动!   SCSimplified Chinese 等等!  Hold it, everybody! Don't go near that bull.  大家都别动!不要靠近那头公牛。 hold it against [sb] v expr informal (bear a grudge) (因过去之事而)SCSimplified Chinese 记恨某人 TCTraditional Chinese 記恨某人  She insulted him years ago, and he still holds it against her. hold [sb] liable vtr + adj (consider responsible)SCSimplified Chinese 让...负起责任 hold [sb] liable for [sth] v expr (consider responsible)SCSimplified Chinese 让...为...负起责任 hold office v expr (have specific important job)SCSimplified Chinese 担任要职   SCSimplified Chinese 供职 hold on a minute v expr informal (wait)SCSimplified Chinese 等一下,等一会儿,稍等 děng yí xià,děng yī huì er TCTraditional Chinese 等一會兒  Hold on a minute while I go back inside to turn off the lights. hold on tightly v expr (grip securely)SCSimplified Chinese 握紧 wò jǐn   SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧抓住 wò jǐn,jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù TCTraditional Chinese 緊緊抓住  She held on tightly to the railings as she crossed the footbridge. hold [sth] out vtr + adv (offer, proffer)SCSimplified Chinese 提供 tí gōng TCTraditional Chinese 提供   SCSimplified Chinese 伸出 tí gōng ,shēn chū TCTraditional Chinese 伸出 备注: A hyphen is used when the term is a noun. He held out his hand for the dog to sniff it.  他伸出手让狗闻闻。 hold out hope (of (doing) [sth] v expr (stay optimistic)SCSimplified Chinese 抱希望   SCSimplified Chinese 心存希望  Police do not hold out much hope of catching the culprits. hold [sb] responsible v expr (consider accountable)SCSimplified Chinese 要求…负责 hold [sb] responsible for [sth] v expr (consider accountable)SCSimplified Chinese 要求…对…负责,要求…为…负责 hold [sb] responsible v expr (consider legally accountable)SCSimplified Chinese 要求…承担责任 hold [sb] responsible for [sth] v expr (consider legally accountable)SCSimplified Chinese 要求…对…承担责任 hold [sb]'s interest v expr (stay interesting)SCSimplified Chinese 使…保持兴趣  Speakers need to select stimulating topics to hold the listeners' interest. hold short v expr (aircraft: stop landing short of runway intersection) (飞机)SCSimplified Chinese 在跑道外等待 hold steady vi + adj figurative (person: remain firm)SCSimplified Chinese 稳住 wěn zhù   SCSimplified Chinese 保持稳定 wěn zhù,bǎo chí wěn dìng TCTraditional Chinese 保持穩定  After holding steady for years, she finally gave up and sold the failing business. hold [sth] steady vtr + adj (thing: secure)SCSimplified Chinese 使…稳住 TCTraditional Chinese 使…穩住   SCSimplified Chinese 使…保持稳定  This chain will hold the post steady against the wind. hold [sth] against [sb] v expr (hold a grudge)SCSimplified Chinese 因某事而对某人有怨气 yīn mǒu shì ér duì mǒu rén yǒu yuàn qì  I won't hold it against you if you don't want to join me. hold sway vtr + n (have influence) (信仰等)SCSimplified Chinese 占统治地位,占主导地位 zhàn tǒng zhì dì wèi,zhàn zhǔ dǎo dì wèi  The political advisor holds sway over the mind of the President. hold the attention v expr (be interesting)SCSimplified Chinese 使人集中注意力 shǐ rén jí zhōng zhù yì lì   SCSimplified Chinese 让人感兴趣 shǐ rén jí zhōng zhù yì lì,ràng rén gǎn xìng qù  The movie had an entertaining beginning, but it failed to hold the attention of the audience for the entire ninety minutes. be left holding the bag, end up holding the bag (US), be left holding the baby (UK) v expr figurative, informal (bear the blame)SCSimplified Chinese 背黑锅 hold the fort, also US: hold down the fort v expr figurative (be in charge temporarily)SCSimplified Chinese 代管   SCSimplified Chinese 临时负责  I'll hold the fort while you go on your coffee break. hold the line v expr (on phone: wait)SCSimplified Chinese 稍候   SCSimplified Chinese 不要挂断  Please hold the line while we try to connect you. hold the line v expr figurative (keep things as they are)SCSimplified Chinese 保持现状 TCTraditional Chinese 保持現狀 hold the phone v expr (not hang up)SCSimplified Chinese 别挂电话 bié guà diàn huà TCTraditional Chinese 別掛電話  The receptionist asked me to hold the phone while she spoke to Dr Simpson. hold the purse strings v expr figurative (control how money is spent)SCSimplified Chinese 控制钱包   SCSimplified Chinese 控制支出 hold [sth] tight vtr + adv (grasp firmly)SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧抓住 jǐn jǐn zhuā zhù TCTraditional Chinese 緊緊抓住  The woman held her bag tight as she hurried along the dark street. hold [sb] tight vtr + adv (hug)SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧拥抱 jǐn jǐn yōng bào TCTraditional Chinese 緊緊擁抱   SCSimplified Chinese 紧紧抱住 TCTraditional Chinese 緊緊抱住  Tim held his girlfriend tight, before saying goodbye. 下100个 有所遗漏?报告错误或提出改进建议 Collins Chinese Dictionary Plus (3rd edition), 2011: hold [həuld] (pt, pp held)I vt 1 (=grip) [+ bag, umbrella, box etc] 拿 ná Hold the baby while I load the car. 我装车时帮我抱着婴儿。 Wō zhuāngchē shí bāng wǒ bàozhe yīng'ér. I held the box tightly.我紧(緊)紧(緊)地拿着(著)盒子。 Wǒ jǐnjǐn de názhe hézi.2 (=keep) [+ hand, arm, head etc] 保持 bǎochí Hold your hands in front of your face. 把你的双手举在面前。 Bǎ nǐ de shuāngshǒu jǔ zài miànqián. Hold your arms still.胳膊保持不动(動)。 Gēbo bǎochí bùdòng.3 (=contain) [room, box, bottle etc] 容纳(納) róngnà Each bottle will hold a litre.每个(個)瓶子有一升的容量。 Měigè píngzi yǒu yīshēng de róngliàng. 4 (=have) [+ office, power] 担(擔)任 dānrèn She has never held ministerial office.她从(從)来(來)没(沒)有担(擔)任过(過)部长(長)级(級)职(職)位。 Tā cónglái méiyǒu dānrènguo bùzhǎngjí zhíwèi. [+ ticket, licence, opinion] 持有 chíyǒu He did not hold a firearms licence.他没(沒)有持枪(槍)执(執)照。 Tā méiyǒu chíqiāng zhízhào. I myself hold the view that…我本人持有的观(觀)点(點)是… wǒ běnrén chíyǒu de guāndiǎn shì… [+ meeting, interview, election] 举(舉)行 jǔxíng The government said it would hold an investigation.政府表示将(將)会(會)进(進)行一项(項)调(調)查。 Zhèngfǔ biǎoshì jiāng huì jìnxíng yī xiàng diàochá. 5 (=detain) 拘留 jūliú I was held overnight in a cell.我整个(個)晚上被拘留在牢房。 Wǒ zhěnggè wǎnshang bèi jūliú zài láofáng. II vi 1 (=withstand pressure) 支持得住 zhīchí de zhù How long will the roof hold?屋顶(頂)能支持多久? Wūdǐng néng zhīchí duō jiǔ? 2 (=be valid) [argument, theory] 有根据(據) yǒu gēnjù Your argument doesn't hold. 你的论点立不住。 Nǐ de lùndiǎn lì bù zhù.3 (=stay same) [offer, invitation] 有效 yǒuxiào Will you tell her the offer still holds.你能告诉(訴)她邀请(請)仍然有效吗(嗎)? Nǐ néng gàosù tā yāoqǐng réngrán yǒuxiào ma? [luck, weather, ceasefire] 持续(續) chíxù If my luck continues to hold, I think I've got a fair chance.如果我继(繼)续(續)走运(運),我想我的机(機)会(會)不小。 Rúguǒ wǒ jìxù zǒuyùn,wǒ xiǎng wǒ de jīhuì bù xiǎo. 4 (Tel) 等着(著) děngzhe The line's engaged: will you hold?电(電)话(話)占(佔)线(線),你能等一下吗(嗎)? Diànhuà zhànxiàn,nǐ néng děng yīxià ma? III n [c] 1 (=grasp) 握 wò He released his hold on the camera.他撒手放开(開)照相机(機)。 Tā sāshǒu fàngkāi zhàoxiàngjī. 2 [of ship, plane] 货(貨)舱(艙) huòcāng [个 gè] to hold one's head up 抬起头(頭) táiqǐ tóu (fig) 保持信心 bǎochí xìnxīn to hold sb responsible/liable/accountable 要求某人负(負)责(責) yāoqiú mǒurén fùzé hold the line! (Tel) 别(別)挂(掛)线(線)! bié guàxiàn! to hold one's breath屏息 bǐngxī don't hold your breath! (inf)别(別)指望! Bié zhǐwàng! to hold one's own (against sb) (fig) (和某人)不相上下 (hé mǒurén)bù xiāng shàng xià to hold sth shut/open使某物保持关(關)着(著)的/开(開)着(著)的状(狀)态(態) shǐ mǒuwù bǎochí guānzhe de/kāizhe de zhuàngtài to hold sb prisoner/hostage扣(釦)留某人作为(為)囚犯/人质(質) kòuliú mǒurén zuòwéi qiúfàn/rénzhì I don't hold with all this modern art我不赞(讚)同现(現)代艺(藝)术(術) wǒ bù zàntóng xiàndài yìshù hold it!别(別)动(動)! biédòng! to hold sb's interest or attention保持某人的兴(興)趣或注意力 bǎochí mǒurén de xìngqù huò zhùyìlì hold still or hold steady静(靜)止不动(動) jìngzhǐ bùdòng to have a hold over sb影响(響)某人 yǐngxiǎng mǒurén to get/grab/take hold of sb/sth紧(緊)紧(緊)拿着(著)/抓着(著)/握着(著)某人/某物 jǐnjǐn názhe/zhuāzhe/wòzhe mǒurén/mǒuwù I need to get hold of Bob我需要找到鲍(鮑)勃 wǒ xūyào zhǎodào Bàobó to take hold of sb (=overwhelm) 征服某人 zhēngfú mǒurén to put sth on hold暂(暫)时(時)不做某事 zànshí bù zuò mǒushì hold against vt ▶ to hold sth against sb 因某事对(對)某人记(記)仇 yīn mǒushì duì mǒurén jìchóu He lost the case, but never held it against me.他输(輸)了这(這)场(場)官司,但从(從)未因此而记(記)恨过(過)我。 Tā shūle zhè chǎng guānsi,dàn cóngwèi yīn cǐ ér jìhèn guo wǒ. hold back vt 1 [+ person, progress] 阻拦(攔) zǔlán She's very ambitious, so don't try to hold her back.她很有野心,别(別)阻拦(攔)她。 Tā hěn yǒu yěxīn,bié zǔlán tā. 2 [+ secret, information] 隐(隱)瞒(瞞) yǐnmán I want the truth, now, with nothing held back.我现(現)在要的是真相,没(沒)有一点(點)隐(隱)瞒(瞞)。 Wǒ xiànzài yào de shì zhēnxiàng,méiyǒu yīdiǎn yǐnmán. hold down vt 1 (=restrain) [+ person] 把…按倒在地上 bǎ…àndǎo zài dìshang It took three men to hold him down.要3个(個)男人才把他按在地上。 Yào sān gè nánrén cái bǎ tā àn zài dìshang. 2 (=manage) [+ job] 保持住 bǎochí zhù He could never hold down a regular job.他从(從)来(來)都保不住一份稳(穩)定的工作。 Tā cónglái dōu bǎo bù zhù yīfèn wěndìng de gōngzuò. hold forth vi 滔滔不绝(絕)地讲(講) tāotāo bùjué de jiǎng Jenkins was there, holding forth on his favourite subject.詹金斯在那儿(兒),滔滔不绝(絕)地讲(講)述他最喜欢(歡)的话(話)题(題)。 Zhānjīnsī zàinàr,tāotāo bùjué de jiǎngshù tā zuì xǐhuan de huàtí. hold offI vt [+ challenge] 使不能接近 shǐ bùnéng jiējìn Alesi drove magnificently, holding off the challenge from Berger.阿勒西开(開)得棒极(極)了,使伯杰不能接近。 Ālèxī kāi de bàng jí le,shǐ Bójié bùnéng jiējìn. II vi 拖延 tuōyán They threatened military action but have held off until now.他们(們)以军(軍)事行动(動)相威胁(脅),但一直拖到现(現)在。 Tāmen yǐ jūnshì xíngdòng xiāng wēixié,dàn yīzhí tuōdào xiànzài. [rain] 不下 bùxià to hold off doing sth 推迟(遲)做某事 tuīchí zuò mǒushì hold on vi 1 (=keep hold) 抓牢 zhuāláo The rope was wet, but Nancy held on.绳(繩)子湿(濕)了,但南希仍然牢牢地抓着(著)。 Shéngzi shī le,dàn Nánxī réngrán láoláo de zhuāzhe. 2 (inf: wait) 等一会(會)儿(兒) děng yīhuìr Hold on a moment, please.请(請)等一会(會)儿(兒)。 Qǐng děng yīhuìr. hold on to vt fus 不可拆分 1 (=grasp) 抓住 zhuāzhù He had to hold on to the chair to steady himself.他不得不抓住椅子使自己站稳(穩)。 Tā bù dé bù zhuāzhù yǐzi shǐ zìjǐ zhànwěn. 2 (=keep) 保留 bǎoliú Will you hold on to this for me for a couple of days?这(這)个(個)你能帮我保留几(幾)天吗(嗎)? Zhège nǐ néng bāng wǒ bǎoliú jǐ tiān ma? hold outI vt 1 [+ hand] 伸出 shēnchū Sam held out his hand for the briefcase.山姆伸手拿公文包。 Shānmǔ shēnshǒu ná gōngwénbāo. 2 [+ hope, prospect] 带(帶)来(來) dàilái Science may hold out some prospect of feeding the hungry.科学(學)为(為)解决(決)饥(飢)饿(餓)问(問)题(題)带(帶)来(來)了希望。 Kēxué wèi jiějué jī'è wèntí dàiláile xīwàng. II vi ▶ to hold out (for sth) 坚(堅)决(決)要求(某物) jiānjué yāoqiú (mǒuwù) I should have held out for a better deal.我本该(該)要求更好的待遇。 Wǒ běn gāi yāoqiú gèng hǎo de dàiyù. hold over vt (=postpone) 推迟(遲) tuīchí hold up vt 1 (=lift up) 举(舉)起 jǔqǐ The Englishman held up the rifle.英国(國)人举(舉)起了手枪(槍)。 Yīngguórén jǔqǐle shǒuqiāng. 2 (=support) 支撑(撐) zhīchēng These books hold the bed up.这(這)些书(書)支撑(撐)着(著)床。 Zhèxiē shū zhīchēngzhe chuáng. 3 (=delay) 阻碍(礙) zǔ'ài Why were you holding everyone up?你为(為)什么(麼)要阻碍(礙)其他人? Nǐ wèishénme yào zǔài qítā rén? 4 (=rob) [+ person, bank] 抢(搶)劫 qiǎngjié He held me up at gunpoint.他持枪(槍)抢(搶)劫了我。 Tā chíqiāng qiǎngjiéle wǒ. 在这些条目还发现'hold': 在英文解释里: amuse - arrest - bagful - barrel - blame - boatful - bob - bond - brace - capture - carful - carry - carving fork - chancery - check through - checked baggage - chock - choke up - cling - cling on - cling on to - clutch - collar - concertize - conduct a trial - conduct an inquiry - conference - constrain - contain - cradle - cup - debunk - disesteem - entertain - escrow agreement - extend - fascinate - fasten - fill - fix - fold your arms - girt - grab - grapple - grappling - grasp - grip - hammerlock - handle - hang on 中文: 举行 - 托 - 执 - 承 - 持有 - 握住 - 擎 - 秉 - 端 - 举办 - 会商 - 兼任 - 出丧 - 占 - 占领 - 叼 - 坚持下去 - 容 - 容纳 - 开会 - 当权 - 怀抱 - 憋 - 扣押 - 把持 - 抓住 - 抓紧 - 抱 - 抱着 - 担任 - 拿 - 持球 - 挟 - 捧 - 接风 - 握 - 揪 - 携 - 支 - 敬佩 - 盛 - 维 - 衔 - 设宴 - 顶 - 高举 在单词列表中: Top 2000 English words, Phone words, Irregular verbs, 更多……同义词: grasp, grip, clutch, cling to, have a firm hold of, 更多……习惯性搭配: hold [his, her mother's] hand, a [tight, strong] hold, a no-holds-barred fight, 更多……

标题中含有单词 'hold' 的论坛讨论:

Hold his own hold it against Hold my hand! Hold on one second, please. I'll go get them. [phone call] Hold this / Hold my hand Please hold (phone call) thoughts---syrupy/ hard to grab hold of ..., and vile it for some three suns to store and hold myself... - English Only forum ……hold onto the washboards. - English Only forum ...all I can advise you is to/ you is hold on to/is you to hold on to... - English Only forum ...are needed to hold a character - English Only forum ...hold the handrail. - English Only forum ...spent three weeks HOLD UP in a small room - English Only forum ...to hold silent out like a... gift - English Only forum 'Arra, hold yer whist - English Only forum 'Get hold of' and 'get in touch with' - English Only forum 'hold of' and 'holding of'. - English Only forum 'hold up their end' - English Only forum 'Press/ press down' instead of 'hold down' & 'wedge" - English Only forum 'which' and its verb 'hold' - English Only forum “cold” in Cold War took hold - English Only forum [hold / take] his partner in his arms - English Only forum [hold up] facing far fiercer questioning - English Only forum [phrasal verb] hold out for - English Only forum A bag that can't hold what's in it - English Only forum A bit mixed up with "hold back" - English Only forum a book which can capture/hold one's imagination - English Only forum A devil to get hold of - English Only forum a drain that happens to hold the river - English Only forum a hold on someone - English Only forum 更多……访问Chinese 论坛。帮助 WordReference: 在论坛上提问。 English Only论坛里有关'hold'的讨论 Go to Preferences page and choose from different actions for taps or mouse clicks. 查看 "hold" 的谷歌机器翻译。

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